Volunteer at AWARE

AWARE’s volunteers are priceless! From short-term, project-based activities to longer-term obligations, volunteers and interns provide thousands of hours each year towards our mission related goals. Every volunteer is unique. Our required 40-hour hybrid training allows the volunteer to become familiar with multiple aspects of our work and develop their personal niche. Volunteers or interns who wish to work with those we serve are pre-screened. Field placements with AWARE affords our community the opportunity to develop professional competence in working with survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Please complete the Volunteer/Intern application form to lodge your interest. Training is on-going and can be started at almost any time.

Please email sbrown@awareshelter.org with questions about volunteering.

Current Opportunities

Short-Term, Project-Specific Opportunities

AWARE has received benefits from generous local corporations, businesses and schools whose employees will volunteer their time for one day to paint bedrooms, complete grounds keeping tasks, or plant flowers. If you can give your time in this way, please contact us at info@awareshelter.org.

Non-Client Contact (No Training Required)


In Office

